From Saturday 23 March: the Municipal Tower reopens and the Civic Museum returns to daily opening

Two of the main attractions of the historic center of Montepulciano are back in full availability. It is also possible to purchase a single ticket.

As Easter and the spring season approach, two of the main attractions of the historic center of Montepulciano will return to full availability for the community and guests, starting from next Saturday 23 March 2024: the Tower of the Town Hall which will be open to the public , with continuous opening hours, from 10am to 6pm, and the Crociani Pinacoteca Civic Museum, which goes from opening on weekends only to daily opening (excluding Tuesdays), at the same time from 10am to 6pm.


Visione dall'alto del centro storico di Montepulciano

From the Tower of the Town Hall it is possible to observe a splendid panorama overlooking Piazza Grande and the historic center of the city, and which, on clear days, allows you to reach with your gaze, on one side, the Val di Chiana, the lakes of Montepulciano, Chiusi, Trasimeno and the Apennines and on the other side Monte Amiata, Val d’Orcia, Pienza, Montalcino and in the distance, the towers of Siena. The opening of the tourist information and reception service (IAT) and ticket office, on the first floor of the Town Hall and the Town Tower, is entrusted by the Municipality to the Pro Loco Association of Montepulciano APS.

Museo Civico, Montepulciano

Also from Saturday 23 March, the Crociani Civic Museum Pinacoteca will also remain open every day from 10am to 6pm, except on Tuesdays, the weekly closing day (last entry at 5pm). The collections collected in the Civic Museum of Montepulciano occupy what is now the “historic” headquarters of the institution, the Palazzo Neri-Orselli in Via Ricci, a few steps from Piazza Grande. In addition to the famous Caravaggio rediscovery, there are currently four main collections: the Poliziana section (Stone materials, ceramics and metals), the archaeological section, the Art Gallery, the Della Robbia terracottas. It is still possible to visit the exhibitions “Fiori, Ergo sum!” by Angelo Roberto Fiori and the successful exhibition “From Palizzi to Severini – Italian painters between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In the Bologna Buonsignori collection”, which met with great success in the first months of exhibition.

Prices. It should be remembered that, starting from 2023, a single ticket for the Torre Palazzo Comunale + Museo Civico Pinacoteca Crociani has been activated (8 euros full, 6 reduced), in order to put two of the main pearls of the historic center of Montepulciano on the circuit. As regards the Tower of the Town Hall, the prices for access remain unchanged compared to last year: full ticket 5 euros, reduced/terrace ticket 2.50 euros. For the Civic Museum the cost of tickets is €6 for full tickets and €4 for reduced tickets.

For further information: 0578/757341 – for the Tower of the Town Hall and 0578 717300 – for the Civic Museum.

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